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Avoid Burnout in your Coaching Business

March 22, 20242 min read

Avoid Burnout in Your Coaching Business

by Benay | Coach Mindset

I’ve taken some much needed down-time recently and it’s been wonderful. Now I’m feeling, clear, refreshed, inspired, full of ideas and recharged!

Down time is essential

Down time is essential to growing any business. Sometimes we get so caught up in the details of the day to day running of our business that we lose sight of what really matters not only for business growth but for our own personal happiness as well.

When it comes to growing your coaching business and pushing your own personal boundaries, it’s a fine line between flowing with grace and pushing too hard. There is an art to walking that fine line.

One thing I have discovered is how to know when I’m pushing too much (rather than flowing with grace – which is the goal). It’s a little indicator I’d like to share with you.

Indicator that you are pushing too hard

Do you ever get to that point in your work where you become obsessed by your business? You shut off to other parts of your life, all you can think about is work? You continually tell yourself and others around you, just one more thing to do…then I’ll stop working?

I believe that’s our cue that it’s time for a break!

Too much pushing. Not enough flowing!

Your higher self knows deep down that lasting abundance in all things comes from respecting, and caring for YOU (body, mind and spirit).

It may seem counter-intuitive to stop

Even though it may seem counter-intuitive to stop when it feels like things are so full on, it’s what needs to be done.

I bet you anything that the world won’t end if you go for a walk or even take off a day or more. If you can’t make this happen in the week, be sure to do it on the weekend.

Stop. Rest. Center yourself. Breathe. Recharge. Regain perspective. It matters.

There’s more to life than business

Business is important, but being centered and balanced in life is even more important. Because without balance and harmony in life we cannot sustain ourselves, not to mention all the customers that our business is here to serve.

To be able to sustain a thriving coaching business we need to have rich, complete lives that include, family, friends, laughter, music, good food, fresh air, physical movement, down-time and even some pampering.

As we bring peace, balance, harmony, love, into the lives of our clients (and therefore into the world) we must have the discipline to bring it also to our self too.

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Hear From Our Clients

Anne Shaw

Thank you Jenny for providing the safe, trusted space I needed to explore memories of events that have had an impact on me.

Whilst I am familliar with EFT, I have not experienced it combined with Matrix Reimprinting. This combination was a powerful experience. It de-escalated the emotional charge by the tapping and even more than that I felt a deeper sense of peace as if what I am now feeling has always been there. I can still remember the incidents but there's no charge or negative thoughts rather a sense that all is well in my world. I'm the grown up taking care of me.

Thank you for the sense of relief and the feeling that i can move on where before this session I felt stuck.

I look forward to my next session.

Thank you so much Jenny.

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