Get Your Coaching Business unstuck with templates, rebrandable books and mindset coaching!

Let's Get Your

Coaching Business Unstuck!

Are you ready to start today?

Here are five free coaching tools to get your business started.

Just click the button below.

  • Are you feeling lost about how to get your coaching business started?

  • Are you stuck in a day job you hate and desperately want to help others live their best life... BUT, you just can't force yourself to take action on your heart-centred business?

  • Are you quite happily coaching Pro Bono, but the thought of asking for money, or worse, selling high-ticket coaching products, just leaves you COLD?

Choose the right SOLUTION for you!

Here's What Our Clients Are Saying...

The Ultimate Kit to get your Business Set Up

Includes Books to Rebrand as Your Own for You and Your Clients

Our Best-Selling Value Bundle

The MEGA Business Bundle

All the white label coaching tools, templates and more in this one bundle ready for you as a digital download immediately, brand as your own, and begin to on-board and work with clients today!

Here's a closer look at what's included in the Mega Business Bundle

  • (each can be bought separately)

The Coaching Starter Kit

The Client Onboarding Pack

Save yourself time and get organised FAST

Core business documents to convert prospects to clients and professionally mange them from day one.

The Coaching Tool Kit

The Business Starter Kit

Steam our coaching tools and use them in your coaching practice.

Grab these 26 invaluable coaching tools that you can re-brand and use with your clients.

The Coaching Tool Kit

The Pathfinder Program

Amazing Personal Development Program Ready to Re-Sell

The Pathfinder Program covers the foundational material that every day life coaching client needs as part of his/her personal development.

Discovering You ebook

Discovering You

A Self Discovery Program

For Your Clients

Help your clients discover their phenomenal power they have inside, right now, to define their own reality and make it happen. (Editable version now available).

How to Wake Up Inspired and Motivated

How to Wake Up Inspired and Motivated

Success Mindset and Goal Setting Program For Your Clients

A comprehensive guide to personal success consisting of 59 pages of lessons and worksheets. Clients learn the 7 qualities of the success mindset and how to create a detailed personal development plan.

Edit and brand for your business.

How to Wake Up Inspired and Motivated

Find Your Coaching Sweet Spot

Discover Your Coaching Niche

Discover a coaching niche that's perfectly suited to your passion and expertise. Or use it as a business coach to help your clients to narrow down their ideal niche.

Here's What Our Clients Are Saying...

I'm on a mission to help coaches get their businesses unstuck.

Each coach starts their own ripple effect that makes the world a better place.

I've been there myself. Desperately wanting to leave a job that wasn't fulfilling. I had a psychology degree and years of experience as a trauma counsellor and thought it would be easy to get a coaching business up and running. I couldn't have been more wrong.

When I started to struggle, I bought some coaching templates and that helped me get my business more organised and I was able to start coaching with Pro-Bonos.

However, whenever I tried to start posting on social media, my mind would go blank...

And when I thought about charging for coaching, I thought with my experience I should be charging a reasonable amount... But... The thought of actually asking people for money, or marketing the fact that I was selling coaching sessions just locked me right up. I couldn't bring myself to do it.

It was only when I went through a coaching program about changing my mindset about valuing myself, valuing my skills and valuing my experience that I was able to get working on my business.

I started posting regularly and created a podcast called Get Your Dream Business Unstuck.

And in June 2023, I bought the template business Universal Coaching Systems (UCS) from which I'd bought the template package back in 2017. I knew that the UCS products would absolutely be perfect to go alongside my mindset coaching, to help my clients get their coaching businesses unstuck.

I love being a part of helping coaches with Ready-Made Coaching Tools, so they can hit the ground running with their clients from Day One.

And I’d love for you to check out our suite of Ready-Made Coaching Tools and see which ones will help you and your clients get off to a flying start!

If you are one of many coaches who would like my personal support in helping you get your business growing, I have some availability and invite you to book in a call with me today.

Jenny Williams Universal Coaching Systems


Total DFY Templates


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Best Way to Grow Your Coaching Career

March 22, 20245 min read

Best Way to Grow Your Coaching Career

by Benay | Nov 16, 2017 | Coach Mindset

This post was loving updated by Benay on 28 Jan 2020

Personal Alignment is Everything

When you are in Alignment your entire being is balanced and vibrating at your optimal level. For a coach this means that your niche, your prices, your marketing strategy, your work-life balance, your self talk, your future plans all work together within the context of your values.

When you are in Alignment you feel pure and satisfied. You don’t feel that something’s “missing” instead you feel that you “have everything you need within you right now”.

You may or may not have the external money and STUFF that you long for but none the less you are satisfied and grateful for all that you do have and trust that the goodies are on there way provided you stay on your path.

When you are in Alignment life flows and that love and abundance abound. It’s a WONDERFUL place to be! You become a magnet for opportunities BECAUSE people are attracted to your pure, authentic energy.

You feel   E X P A N S I V E .

When you can find Alignment within yourself and learn how to maintain it, you are ready to coach others.


Alignment comes and goes

With our coach training and our logical minds you’d thing it would be easy to design and maintain an Aligned life…


What I’ve learned is that it’s a life-long practice, full of subtleties.

For example, I’ve been growing my conscious-life-by-design skills since 2006 and I’m still unlocking so much – it’s like, the more I see the more there is to see!

We wouldn’t evolve if we were happy all the time.

Seems like lots of coaches agree too. Here’s something I recently posted in my Online Coach Entrepreneurs Facebook Group:

Are you and your coaching business in Alignment?

You know when you are out of alignment when things feel hard and you are not getting the results you seek.

I’ve been in the coaching industry for about 14 years and this is what happens to me/my coaching business when I’m out of alignment:

  • Working way to hardstressing about stuff, feeling like you’re pushing up hill all the time

  • Parts of the coaching business just feel stuck or stagnant

  • Minimal or no growth in your subscribers, client numbers, income

  • Maybe abundant in lots of areas of your life but lacking financially in the business

  • Maybe making plenty of money but have big holes in other parts of life


Do you suffer from any of these symptoms?


Return to Alignment

First, is you have any of the symptoms that you are out of alignment – you are in luck – BECAUSE our results are indicators of our Alignment.

Results that make you feel great mean we are in Alignment, results that are triggers or that feel crappy mean there is personal development work to be done!

This means that focusing on our state of Alignment is the ABSOLUTE #1 thing we can do to get our coaching career moving!!!

Here are two questions you can ask yourself if you are out of Alignment:

  1. How do I nurture my state of Alignment on a daily basis?

  2. What deep work am I doing to continue evolving your soul?

1. How are you nurturing your state of Alignment on a daily basis?

Sorry for sounding like everyone else on this one but there are some basic truths that we all need, to have a balanced state. Simple things like movement, a healthy diet, good sleep and meditation seem to be the quickest way to get started.

How are you tracking on each of those things?

I know that you know what you need to do – you are a coach!

Do whatever it takes to get yourself excited and inspired to start doing it. Your business will thank you by starting to grow again.

2. What deep work are you doing to continue to evolve your soul?

I see so many coaches dazzled by the shiny object syndrome, investing in band-aid-like solutions that are the metaphorical equivalent to putting lipstick on a pig. Come on, let’s be totally honest with each other, the truth is that the latest and greatest marketing trends or business models just won’t work if YOU are not ready – on the inside – to be the changemaker you are meant to be.


Tools for Alignment


If you are new to mediation, like I was just a few months ago, then listen to my Coach Pep Talk interview with Erin Ashley – it will help you. We talk about some of the crazy-easy ways you can get into meditation, without being a Zen monk.

Passion Mapping

I have recently done a refresh of my Passion Map – which is more amazing than I have the words to explain. How would you like to actually stand within all your greatest passions all at the same time in a completely embodied way? It’s far-out awesomeness that’s totally centering and peaceful. After a passion map, you know what makes your heart sing and, man, it feels good.

I interviewed, Peter Wallman, the inventor of Passion Mapping a while back on Connecting with Your Inner Knowing and Intuition and Finding Your Highest Purpose.

Character Defining
Steve Pavlina has a cool new program on this called Stature – I’ve not done it yet and am not an affiliate but it looks amazing and it’s on my to-do list).


Keep Seeking Alignment

Remember that you and I are always evolving and we never arrive! There are experiences that we need to have along the way. Some of them will not feel nice and some will feel AMAZING – both are equally important parts of the journey. Both are OK.

Be assured that you are on your path. By continuing to move forward, you will keep growing and that is your biggest job as a personal development professional.


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