We all know why it’s important to create a distraction-free environment when diving into deep work (any work that requires prolonged, deep focus.) Writing is no exception. Deep work is essential to th... ...more
Creating Coaching Products ,Coach Mindset
March 22, 2024•9 min read
You have finished writing an eBook for your coaching clients and to create passive income. The hard part is done, but how do you want to present the book? They say you can’t judge a book by its cover,... ...more
Creating Coaching Products
March 22, 2024•5 min read
Here is the only way to structure a winning presentation. When followed, this structure, known as 4-mat, guarantees that your presentation will connect with each of the 4 main learning styles. This me... ...more
Coaching Skills ,Creating Coaching Products
March 22, 2024•3 min read
Once you have about 200 coaching hours under your belt you are definitely ready to design your own signature coaching program. At this stage you have enough coaching experience to start making critica... ...more
Creating Coaching Products
March 22, 2024•5 min read
There is a lot of hidden work in creating an episodic series of digital audio files (aka podcasting). This is probably why most most podcasts don’t make it past the first 10 episodes. I don’t mean to ... ...more
Creating Coaching Products
March 22, 2024•8 min read
Last month I was fortunate to do some work with Denise Duffield-Thomas through her Money Boot Camp. Denise is big on decluttering all parts of your life regularly. I’m a huge fan of this principle fro... ...more
Creating Coaching Products
March 22, 2024•3 min read
Today, I’ve been sorting through all of the questions I’ve been getting about creating products. There are so many good ones, that I decided to write a whole blog post on the topic. In this post I’ve ... ...more
Creating Coaching Products
March 22, 2024•5 min read
So, you’ve designed your own signature coaching program and you’ve decided to turn all of it or part of it into an online course. Exciting! So, what next? How the heck do you bring everything together... ...more
Creating Coaching Products
March 22, 2024•6 min read
Have you noticed that a lot of the products being sold are online courses? I’ve bought some of them to see what I could learn. But, you know what I’ve found? No matter how awesome the content is in th... ...more
Creating Coaching Products
March 21, 2024•7 min read
I left Australia about 4 years ago. Since then my family and I have been traveling Southeast Asia and Europe. It’s been wonderful. All of this was made possible because many years ago I decided that I... ...more
Creating Coaching Products
March 17, 2024•4 min read
So you are a brilliant coach. You are excellent at what you do and have amazing testimonials from your clients. But… You are growing your coaching business (which is your passion and your baby) while ... ...more
Creating Coaching Products
March 17, 2024•3 min read
This is a collection of tips, tricks and free products to help you get your coaching products created. ...more
Creating Coaching Products
March 17, 2024•1 min read
In the last two years I’ve been reviewing other coaches products and giving them advice on how to make them better. The most glaring areas for improvement come from really simple stuff which is easy t... ...more
Creating Coaching Products
March 17, 2024•6 min read
There are thousands of coaches out there, with more and more coming online every day. So, what makes you different? Why should a client choose you over another coach? To survive and thrive as a coach ... ...more
Creating Coaching Products
March 17, 2024•2 min read
I am a huge advocate for all coaches getting their businesses online as soon as possible and starting your passive income stream now (read this article for more on that)! I know that every coach can b... ...more
Creating Coaching Products ,Coach Mindset
March 17, 2024•4 min read
Thank you Jenny for providing the safe, trusted space I needed to explore memories of events that have had an impact on me.
Whilst I am familliar with EFT, I have not experienced it combined with Matrix Reimprinting. This combination was a powerful experience. It de-escalated the emotional charge by the tapping and even more than that I felt a deeper sense of peace as if what I am now feeling has always been there. I can still remember the incidents but there's no charge or negative thoughts rather a sense that all is well in my world. I'm the grown up taking care of me.
Thank you for the sense of relief and the feeling that i can move on where before this session I felt stuck.
I look forward to my next session.
Thank you so much Jenny.
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