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How to write a meaningul About Page for your Coaching Website

How to write a meaningul About Page for your Coaching Website

I am always curious to know the origin story of businesses, and the people behind them. The About Us / About Me page is one of the first sections I like to visit when considering purchasing a product ... ...more

New Coaches Start Here

May 06, 20249 min read

Three-Step Formula for Getting Coaching Clients

Three-Step Formula for Getting Coaching Clients

I’ve been working with coaches since 2009 and the number one question is always the same – how do I get more coaching clients – consistently? I’d love to tell you there is a quick, free way to do this... ...more

New Coaches Start Here ,Coaching Skills

March 22, 202415 min read

Good money in coaching - how long does it take?

Good money in coaching - how long does it take?

Last week, an active member of my Online Coach Entrepreneurs Group asked everyone a cool, direct, question that really got all members thinking and sharing. Jane’s question was this… “How long did it ... ...more

New Coaches Start Here ,Coach Mindset

March 22, 202411 min read

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